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Staying Safe When You Travel Alone!

Traveling alone doesn’t always mean you’re alone. Most often, you meet marvellous people along the way and make connections that last a lifetime.
Jacqueline Boone

Today in London, it’s blowing a hooley! No, it really is, there’s a HUGE hole in the roof of the O2 arena, some of the bridges are closed and there’s no trains running, one of the worst storms I’ve ever seen, it’s actually quite scary! So, to take my mind of it I’m going to write about holidays!

If you’ve followed my blog for any great length of time, you’ll know I’m passionate about travel, I love to travel with friends but equally, sometimes, to get away from it all I travel alone. When I’ve spoken to friends about this the inevitable question comes up – is it safe? (Who are these people – my dad?!)

It is safe but there a few things worth remembering, here’s a few tips that have fared me well!

Tell friends and family where you’re going

When I travel alone, I always write down the name and address of the first place I’ll be staying and give it to my dad and the girls I share my house with. If I’m visiting someone or meeting up with a friend, I write down their contact information too. Definitely let your family and friends know where you’re going and also keep in touch with them regularly via text or social media. This way if anything happens, they have a rough idea of where your last location was.

Share your location

I use “My Location” app on my Samsung phone but I have friends that use the “FindMy” app on their iPhones. I use the app to continuously share my location with a couple of friends who I trust. I know some people don’t like the idea of other people knowing exactly where they are at all times but personally, I think it’s great for safety. I know my friends aren’t going to stalk my every move and even if they did, I have nothing to hide, mostly!

Trust your gut

When in doubt, trust your gut and your intuition. If a situation feels off or not quite right, then trust your instincts and walk away.

Try not to walk around alone at night

Avoid walking around alone at night time but if you have no option, stick to well-lit streets and try to walk closely behind a group of people. This way people might assume you are with the group. If you suspect you’re being followed, cross the street and change direction.

Have a code word

Come up with a code word or phrase between you and your parents or a friend. This way, you can alert them something’s wrong over the phone without your potential attacker/kidnapper realizing what you’re saying.

Watch your drinks

I can’t stress this enough – watch your drinks. Don’t leave your drink unattended or with some new person you’ve just met when you go to the bathroom. Take it with you. I know sometimes people offer to buy a shot or a drink and I’ve definitely accepted a few in my time. Always assess the situation and whether you trust the person. If you’re going to accept a free drink, watch the bartender make it.

Don’t get hammered!

When you’re under the influence of alcohol, that’s when bad things start to happen. Phones get lost and people do stupid things. Keep your wits about you and limit your intake if you feel like you’re getting too drunk.

Carry hairspray if you can’t carry pepper spray

In some places like the UK pepper spray is considered a concealed weapon. Personally, I’ve never carried it but I know people who do. A good alternative is a can of hairspray. Keep the hairspray in your purse so you can spray it at the person’s face if you’re being attacked.

Use Uber, but check the license plate

I like using Uber because I don’t have to haggle over the fare or carry cash. If you plan to use Uber, always check the license plate to make sure it matches the car you ordered. Sit in the back and try to keep your bags with you in the back so you can easily jump out if there’s a problem.

Just a few tips that have kept me safe during my travels!

What’s on this week?

Head & EyesLeLUTKA EvoX AVALON 3.0

Hair DOUX - Dara Hairstyle [XS] @ this round of Kustom9

Face Skin*YS&YS* Rosalie T03 NOBrows - BOM (EVOX+Maitreya)

BodyMaitreya Lara V5.3 - Skin *YS&YS* Rosalie (Avalon)

NailsAscendant - BOSS Nails Fatpack - Maitreya

AOVista Animations *HUD 5.34* - Mara Bento AO-V1

Shape – My Own Shape

Rings and Handchains (Yummy) Kawaii Collection [Lara]

Wedding Ring ~~ Ysoral ~~ .:Luxe Wedding Ring Malie:. (Maitreya)

Dress Tori Torricelli // Claire Necklace Dress // Lara

Boots & Stockings Eudora3D Cara Boots & Stockings @ this round of FameshedX

Pictures take at the always terribly helpful Backdrop City


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