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Looking After Your Mental Health at Christmas

This post mentions loneliness or isolation, which some people may find triggering.

I found that with depression, one of the most important things you can realize is that you’re not alone. You’re not the first to go through it, you’re not gonna be the last to go through it
Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson

For most of us the festive season can be a time of joy and spending time with loved ones however, for some it can also be a very stressful, lonely time of the year.


During the holiday period it’s important to try to remember to look after your mental health and wellbeing, and to keep in mind friends, neighbours, work colleagues, whoever really, that you know suffer from their inner demons.


Her’s a few tips which I hope will help some of you out there that are feeling low at the moment.


Talk about your feelings


It's hard to admit that at such an exciting time of year you don't actually feel that great.  But talking about your feelings can improve your mood and make it easier to deal with the tough times.


It's part of taking charge or “self-managing” your mental wellbeing and doing what you can to stay healthy.  It's important to create space for these conversations and also worth identifying who you can speak to if you are concerned about your well-being or someone elses.


Do something you are good at


What do you love doing?  What activities can you lose yourself in?  Enjoying yourself helps beat stress.


As busy as the holiday season gets, try and keep up the activities and hobbies you enjoy all year round.  You could turn these into festive activities, like making gifts, cooking mince pies or playing your musical instruments to Christmas songs!


Ask for help


Donning a Christmas jumper can make us feel pretty special, but none of us are superhuman.  At times, we all get overwhelmed by how we feel, especially when things go wrong.


If things are getting too much for you in the next few weeks and you feel like you can't cope, ask for help.  In the UK The Samaritans are available to speak to all year round - their free helpline number is 116 123 and calls to this number do not appear on phone bills.


Keep in touch


When putting the finishing touches on holiday plans, we can often become distracted from the support systems around us and lose our footing.


Friends and family can make you feel included and cared for.  They can offer different views from whatever's going on inside your own head, keep you grounded and help you solve practical problems - enjoy this time to catch up.


If alone or away from family, the Campaign to End Loneliness provide some helpful resources.


Accept who you are


Some of us make people laugh, others cook fantastic meals.  Some of us share our lifestyle with the people who live close to us, others live very differently.


If you have mental health problems, don't feel under pressure to do more than you feel up to this Christmas.


Drink sensibly


Some people drink to deal with fear or loneliness, but the effect is only ever temporary.


It's great to catch up with friends or colleagues in the pub - spending time on good relationships is essential for good mental health - but know your limits.  It's important to maintain your personal well-being too.


Eat well


Christmas is typically a time of overindulgence, but what we eat can sometimes impact on how we feel.


For example, too much sugar can have a noticeable effect on your mental health and well-being in the short and long term.  Christmas wouldn't be Christmas without a little overindulgence but a good tip is to balance this out over the festive period - everything in moderation.


Keep active


It's no surprise that cold weather and short days are not the greatest motivation to get you out of bed and on a 5k run!  But research shows that doing exercise releases chemicals in your body that can make you feel good.


Regular exercise can boost your self-esteem and help you to concentrate, sleep and feel better. Exercise also keeps the brain and your other vital organs healthy.  So, use that Christmas spirit for physical health as well as mental health - you might even enjoy the crisp air!


Take a break


The holiday season is a perfect time to take some time out of your day-to-day life and gain some perspective to reflect on the year.


Whether spending time away from home or a stay-cation, re-energise by giving yourself a change of scene or pace.  It's good for you!


Practicing mindfulness can be a great way to unwind.


Care for others


Present-buying is not the only way of showing that we care about others.


Christmas is the perfect time to reach out to loved ones who you haven’t spent much time with in the past year - ask how they’ve been and whether they have plans for the holidays.  Caring for others is an important part of keeping up relationships with people close to you.  It can even bring you closer together and make you feel good!


I hope these tips have been useful; this post is based on an article from the charity, The Mental Health Foundation.


What ever you’re doing this Christmas, I wish you all well and hope the period ushers in a year of prosperity, happiness and good physical and mental health.  Merry Christmas everyone!


What’s on this week?

Head & Eyes – LeLutka EvoX Avalon 4.0

Hair Stealthic - Hold - (S Head)

Face Skin – [Glam Affair] Anna [Lelutka EvoX] Ivory C

Body – Maitreya LaraX Petite V1.1 - [Glam Affair] - Body skin Fit - Maitreya ( Ivory )

Shape DeeTaleZ Shape for Lelu EVOX Heads GA Anna Lara X New Shape 2 - Tweaked!

Nails . PUKI . (FIX-MID-ONLY) Square Nails. Maitreya

Rings Vibing -- holly rings -- gold -- Maitreya linked

Single Ring – ~~ Ysoral ~~  .:  Luxe Wedding Ring Malie:.(Maitreya)(Left)

Earrings & Necklace EarthStones Mr. & Mrs. Gingerbread

Complete Outfit – Lunar - Lumi - (Petite X) *PBR

Hat Salt & Pepper Santa Baby hat (ALL)

Shoes Eudora3D Ada Heels (Maitreya)

Pictures taken at the Beautifully Cosy Bella Lunar


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