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Breaking the silence on the Menopause

So many women I've talked to see menopause as an ending.  But I've discovered this is your moment to reinvent yourself after years of focusing on the needs of everyone else. It's your opportunity to get clear about what matters to you and then to pursue that with all of your energy, time and talent.
Oprah Winfrey

I’m delighted to say that, in the UK at least, there has been a lot more of a focus on the Menopause.  This open discussion has brought the subject into the light and is now openly discussed in magazines, television programs and even in the workplace with employers now beginning to recognise the often-debilitating period faced my many women.


It’s great it’s now out in the open but I read an article recently that really surprised me.  The topic of the article revolved around a survey that indicated more than 90% of postmenopausal women were never taught about the menopause at school and over 60% only started looking for information about it once their symptoms had started.


Subsequently my post this week is all about the basics of the menopause, what it is, what the symptoms look like and treatments that are available to ease the symptoms, often, significantly!


What is the menopause?


The menopause can be a distressing time for many women.  It is the point in your life when your periods stop.  This happens because your ovaries stop producing eggs and your hormone levels drop.


This drop in hormones causes menopause symptoms.  Some symptoms can be difficult to manage.  Make sure you talk to your GP about your menopause symptoms and get the help you need.


The menopause usually happens between the ages of 45 and 55.  Some women can have it much earlier, though.  This could be because of surgery on the ovaries or a hysterectomy.  It can also be caused by cancer treatments like chemotherapy.  Sometimes it is because of your genetics or for an unknown reason.


Early menopause is when you’re between the ages of 40 and 45.  Premature menopause is when you’re under the age of 40, but this is rare.  Your doctor might also refer to this as “premature ovarian insufficiency”.


The perimenopause is when you have symptoms of menopause before your periods stop.  The menopause then officially starts once you have had no periods for a year or more.


What are menopause symptoms?


As well as changes to your period you may also have other symptoms.  Symptoms of the menopause can have a huge impact on your life.  They may also affect your confidence.


You may experience:


  • Anxiety

  • Brain fog and poor concentration

  • Hot flushes (or hot flashes)

  • Night sweats

  • Joint and muscle pain

  • Changes to your mood

  • Vaginal dryness

  • Low sex drive


Everyone’s experience of menopause is different.  Some people may have other symptoms such as:


  • Problems sleeping

  • Burning mouth

  • Dry skin and eyes

  • Dizziness

  • Low energy

  • Headaches

  • Palpitations

  • Urinary symptoms.


Symptoms may last for around seven years.  Although some people find they last longer. For others however, they may not last as long.


When should I get help?


If you think you have symptoms of perimenopause or menopause, speak to your GP.


They will ask you about your periods and how you’re feeling.  Doctors usually diagnose menopause just based on changes to your period and symptoms.


What is hormone replacement therapy (HRT)?


HRT is medicine that can replace the hormones that are at low levels.  There are different types of HRT depending on your situation.


You can ask your GP about being prescribed HRT.   Ask your GP to talk you through the risks and benefits.  This will be useful in helping you decide if HRT is right for you.


The one thing I would say is, don’t be fobbed off by your GP, in my experience, some GPs are reluctant to prescribe certain HRT drugs relative to cost, if you’re not happy with the care and response you’re getting from your GP, as for or even demand a referral to a gynaecologist or other healthcare professional with a specialist knowledge of the menopause.  There are lots of online resources that can help you find a specialist in your area.  In the UK, the first port of call is the British Menopause Society, BMS, you can find their clinician locator here.

There are other treatments if you cannot, or choose not to, have HRT.


What other menopause treatments are available?


Other treatments include:


  • Topical oestrogen treatments – these can help with vaginal dryness and are normally given as creams or tablets. Many can be bought over the counter and are safe to use alongside HRT

  • Some high blood pressure medications – to help alleviate hot flushes.  These can be prescribed by your doctor

  • Prescription antidepressant treatment – if you are experiencing depression as part of your symptoms.


However, it is important to know there are side effects related to all medicines.  You can talk to your doctor if you’re worried about beginning any new medication.


Coping with the impact of the menopause


Going through perimenopause and menopause can be a difficult change.  Try to look after yourself and get support if you need it.


Lifestyle changes can help you cope with menopause symptoms.  This includes exercising, eating well and finding ways to relax.


Getting psychological support can also help how you feel and may improve some of your symptoms.  CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) is a type of talking therapy that may help.


Hearing about other people’s experiences may help. There are plenty of videos out there featuring women and men sharing their menopause stories.  Wait… men can go through the menopause also??  Yes, most men who experience age-related testosterone health problems will see male menopause symptoms and signs during their late forties to early fifties!  Who knew


If you are struggling at work, ask your employer to provide you with their Menopause Workplace Policy. Your employer doesn’t have such a policy(?), point them in the direction of “Wellbeing of Women”, a charity in the UK that has a Menopause Workplace Pledge, a pledge that can be applied to the vast majority of work place environments Wellbeing for women are constantly calling on all organisations to sign up to their well-researched, respected pledge, making sure everyone going through the menopause is supported.  So far, thousands of employers have signed.  They’ve taken positive action that is helping millions of workers across the UK.  You can find details of the the pledge here.

I hope this has been useful!


What’s on this week?

Head & Eyes – LeLutka EvoX Avalon 4.0

Hair Magika - Hair - Courtney (Size 1) @ this round of Access

Face Skin – DeeTaleZ Love for LELEVOX / BROWS: none/ MixCold

Body – Maitreya LaraX Petite V1.1 - Velour: Ipanema Body for Maitreya - Fit (MixCold)

Shape DeeTaleZ Shape for Lelu EVOX Heads "Love" - Tweaked!

Nails . PUKI . (FIX-MID-ONLY) Square Nails. Maitreya

Rings (Yummy) Raw Crystal Rings - Maiterya

Earrings (Yummy) Heavy Metal Curated Earrings EvoX @ this round of Collabor88

Necklace (Yummy) Seaside Necklace - Maitreya

Top, Jeans & Boots – Seniha. Shania // Maitreya X @ this round of Kustom9

Pictures taken on the Autmunal Equinox @ the quite beautiful Cherishville - Autumn 2024


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