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A new way to look at your vagina – it might just save your life!

I was worried about my own vagina. It needed a context of other vaginas – a community, a culture of vaginas. There's so much darkness and secrecy surrounding them – like the Bermuda Triangle!
Eve Ensler, The Vagina Monologues

Oh vagina, how do I name thee? Let me count the ways. From private parts to lady bits, muff to chuff, fanny to flower, yoni to yum yum, the list of names given to female genitalia is seemingly endless and often verging on the ridiculous!

With vaginal metaphors and euphemisms depicting female genitalia as scary, ugly or off limits, it’s not surprising a large number of women and girls struggle to identify parts of their own genitalia – with just half of women surveyed able to correctly locate the vagina on a diagram of the female reproductive system, I know, but it’s true!

Research is hoping to change all this. A phone app called Labella has been designed which combines a piece of underwear and a mobile phone – allowing the user to get to know their own anatomy through the medium of a smart phone.

Initially designed with a wide range of women in mind, apparently future developments will be aimed at young women, providing them with an educational tool which will enable them to get to know their bodies in a way that feels comfortable and knowledge driven.

Knowing what’s normal

Being inadequately informed about the appearance and function of female anatomy, along with the social taboo surrounding female genitalia has led to many women feeling uncomfortable when it comes to caring for and being aware of their intimate parts. Because realistically how can women understand these parts of their bodies when we don’t even know how to name them properly!?

Given this attitude towards female genitalia, it’s unsurprising then that we know so little about the clitoris given it’s not in textbooks or even covered in sex education. And with labia surgery now the latest trend among teenage girls, it’s clear the worlds of porn and advertising have collided, leaving women with yet more insecurities about their bodies – this time focused on the vagina.

Research has demonstrated that women tend to avoid “contact” with their genitalia unless they are experiencing pain. With further research demonstrating that women still avoid talking about their “private parts” even with other women. What this essentially means is that women are not talking about their genitals because of society’s views of vaginas – mainly as something sexualised and shrouded in mystery.

A few weeks ago, I talked about the Pelvic Floor muscle and its association with incontinence. Incontinence is generally accepted as a consequence of childbirth and or ageing. It is regarded as “normal”, just as menstruation is once a month and menopause once in every lifetime, and yet no one really talks about it, hence my little post, we need to start talking about this stuff!

The Global Pandemic has led to hundreds of thousands, if not millions of women skipping their smear tests. In a culture that is uncomfortable about talking about the vagina and smear tests accompanied by the fact many women are unable to name parts of their anatomy let alone know what is normal, this is a VERY dangerous situation, again, we need to start talking about this stuff!

The vagina persists as an “uncomfortable” social and personal topic, perpetuating a culture of shame, secrecy, and lack of awareness, which can be (broadly) damaging to genital integrity and health.

While this discomfort might contribute to the estrangement between women and their genitalia, “having the knowledge and ability to make bodily and verbal distinctions” is critical to women’s reproductive health and sexual well-being.

It is hoped that Labella will have a role to play in helping to break this cycle of bodily taboos that are barriers to knowledge and self-care, while also improving women’s comfort and esteem within a clinical environment – such as at their next smear test.

This development will hopefully help to break some of the societal shame that surrounds the female anatomy and could even lead to a decline in the number of women getting diagnosed with cervical cancer. It is the most common cancer among young women, and is thought to be on the rise due to the number of women missing their smear appointments where early signs of pre-cancerous cells can often be found and treated.

What’s on this week?

Head & EyesLeLUTKA Head Fleur 2.5

Hair DOUX - Venezia Hairstyle [S]

Face Skin Not Found - Misty Skin Toffee Normal

Body, Hands & FeetMaitreya Mesh Body - Lara V5.2 + [the Skinnery] Skin Toffee + Addons

NailsAscendant - Nymphomaniac Stiletto Nails Fatpack

AOBodyLanguage SLC BENTO AO Cadence

Shape Not Found - Misty Shape, small adjustments

Rings (Yummy) Fairytale Rings - Maitreya

Face Piercings^^Swallow^^ Indira

Earrings & Necklace(Yummy) Katerina Necklace Set

Lip Piercing *PKC* Lima Lip Piercing - Lelutka Fleur

Lingerie Maitreya & Erratic - Reve, Merlot

Stockings Erratic / ciri - stockings high / Fatpack lace (maitreya)

Shoes Eudora3D Domino Heels (Maitreya)

Pictures take at the Burlesque, Kinky Nouvelle Eve club


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