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Wise Old Cats

Cats are intensely wise creatures. They seem to innately know the secrets to happiness. They play hard, eat well, get plenty of sleep, meditate like Buddhist Masters and know how to handle stress better than most humans.

As most of you know, I love cats, I have two adorable Main Coons who are just coming up to nine months old, still young but already living life on their terms!

I love cats because I enjoy my home; and little by little, they become its visible soul.

Jean Cocteau

Our feline friends are living examples of how to be happy and appreciate all that life has to offer. Pay attention to your cats, and observe how they almost always looks satisfied and content (except of course if dinner is late!!). So, what can cats teach us mere humans?

Live in the moment;

The present moment is all we have. You don’t see cats rushing around to meet deadlines. They don’t check their feline watches of phones multiple times every hour. They aren’t panic stricken about getting somewhere late.

It’s true that they don’t have to pay the gas and electricity bill or do the washing and ironing, or ferry the kids off to ballet/football/drama/etc., but the lesson is to just stop, reflect and be in the moment every now and then. A cat would tell you to at least pause in the middle of your hectic day, stop to smell the flowers. Enjoy the moment for what it is. Slow down and take stock. Right now is the only moment you have. Your cat would say “make the most of it”.

Every day is a school day;

They say that curiosity killed the cat. Perhaps that’s why cats need 9 lives to do all the exploring and learning that they desire! A cat would tell you to make a point of learning something new every day, no matter how small and insignificant. See the wonder in the world around you. Admire the simple things. And above all, remain curious, seek to always learn and try to look at things with fresh eyes.

Take Time to Stretch;

Watch a cat. You’ll notice that they stretch all the time. When was the last time you took a second to give yourself a good stretch? This simple activity can help with thought clarity and muscle stiffness by bringing blood to the brain and muscles, and in doing so give you an energy boost in the process. Stretching is very important for health, relaxation and overall well-being. It’s been shown to provide relief from pain, increase energy levels, improve posture, increase flexibility and promote a greater sense of well-being. Take a moment and stretch…

Play like nobody is watching;

We needn’t remind kids of how to do this. It’s natural when we’re young but as we get busier and life’s demands are thrust upon us, who has time to play? A cat would tell you that you can’t afford not to play! Play is fun. Play makes you giggle and laugh. Laughter triggers the release of endorphins, which are the body’s natural feel-good chemicals, which in turn promote an overall sense of well-being. Laughter also decreases stress hormones and increases immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies, thus improving your resistance to disease. More play means less stress.

A cat would tell you to never underestimate the power of playtime!


No matter how many times they fall, cats always find the will to get up and try again. They have a resilient spirit, and probably know better than we do that just because you make a few mistakes doesn’t mean you’re incapable of achieving the success you envision for yourself in the long run. A cat would tell you to persevere and you’ll eventually find a way.

Be Yourself;

Cats don’t really care what you think of them. They have personality but no ego. Cats expect you to love them as they are, both when they’re at their best and when they’re at their worst. Ernest Hemingway once said; “A cat has absolute emotional honesty; human beings, for one reason or another, may hide their feelings, but a cat does not.”

Don’t Worry, be Happy!;

I know it’s easy to say but, don’t take life too seriously. Seize the moment. Carpe Diem. Smile. Be happy. What better teachers could we ask for! Author Jules Verne once noted: “I believe cats to be spirits come to earth. A cat, I am sure, could walk on a cloud without coming through.”

A Wise Old Cat would say; “Worrying is a waste of time. It doesn't change anything. It messes with your mind and steals your happiness.”

What’s on today – (a cat suit would have been too predictable!!)

Head & Teeth - .LeLutka. Head.Simone 2.7

Eyes - CATWA UN-RIGGED EYE V1.1 - (Custom eye texture)

Hair - TRUTH HAIR Cheri [1 Side] [+Chest], (I'm wearing the old version, the new one comes with a great new HUD and is in store)

Eyebrows - Glam Affair - Katya suggest eyebrows 01

Skin - LURE: Emily (Carnation)

Body, Hands & Feet - Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara V4.0

Rings & Hand Harness - Zaara : Siya hand-harness & Stacked Rings(maitreya) @ June C88

Nail Varnish - alaskametro<3 "Classic/Solid" Slink/Omega/Maitreya nail polish applier


Physics - 2.- Sutile -Subtle.~ Physics by Temptation

Shape - Custom Made

Tattoo - Nomadic Owl - Black [CAROL G]

Bindi - .:ellabella:. Kerli V2 dark-nose

Necklace and Earings - MG - Necklace/Earings - Laguna House Party

Leggings - Blueberry - Cake Leggings - Regular - Maitreya

Shirt - ISON - asturias shirt -maitreya- (red) @ June C88

Shoes - -KC- LYNN HEELS [MAITREYA] (Look out for their 24 hour flash sales!)

Lazy day today, all pictures taken at home 😊

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