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Heterosexual women have fewer orgasms during sex than anyone else…… Wow!!

“At the moment of orgasm you grow wings, defy gravity and your soul slips quietly across the universe like a shooting star.” ― Chloe Thurlow

I read an old but really interesting article in the week. It came from a study published earlier this year from a couple of universities and the Kinsey (Luuuurv!) institute in Indiana. The study found that heterosexual women have fewer orgasms during sex than any other demographic, and it’s notably fewer than heterosexual men.

The researchers studied over 52,000 Americans of different genders and sexual orientations to look into how orgasm frequency varies.

The study has drawn some really interesting conclusions – perhaps unsurprisingly, heterosexual men were most likely to say they usually or always orgasm when they’re sexually intimate, with 95 per cent agreeing. No surprise there, good job it wasn’t a selfishness study – just saying.

The next group most likely to orgasm were gay men (89 per cent) followed by bisexual men (88 per cent). Disappointingly for women of all sexual orientations, all three male demographics came above the female groups. Amongst women, lesbians orgasm most when sexually intimate, with 86 per cent reporting that they usually or always do.

This is followed by bisexual women - a huge drop down at 66 per cent - and finally straight women at 65 per cent. It seems when a man is added into the mix, the likelihood of orgasm significantly decreases for women, we need a study to tell us this??

But they also found out what women who orgasm more frequently than others tend to do to get there, so if you want to increase your likelihood of having that “When Harry Met Sally” moment, this is what they recommend:

  • More oral sex

  • Longer lasting sex

  • Higher relationship satisfaction

  • Asking for what you want in bed

  • Praising your partner for what they do in bed

  • Calling or emailing “to tease about doing something sexual” - presumably a text or Snapchat works too

  • Wearing sexy lingerie

  • Trying new sexual positions

  • Anal stimulation

  • Acting out fantasies

  • Incorporating “sexy talk”

  • Expressing love during sex

According to the study authors: “Women were more likely to orgasm if their sexual encounter included deep kissing, manual genital stimulation, and/or oral sex in addition to vaginal intercourse.” No shit Sherlock!

The researchers also looked into why there was such a large difference between the frequency of orgasms for lesbian and straight women, concluding that lesbian women likely have a better understanding both of female anatomy and clitoral stimulation. They also pointed out that lesbian women are better at taking turns in the bedroom than straight men. Again, with the shit Sherlock!

But the high rate of orgasms of lesbian women should be encouraging for straight women. “The fact that lesbian women orgasmed more often than heterosexual women indicates that many heterosexual women could experience higher rates of orgasms,” the researchers suggest.

So, it could be worth trying some of the above if you want to have more pleasure in the bedroom. I’ll report back in a few weeks 😉

Time for something sexy then;

Head & Teeth - .LeLutka. Head.Simone 2.7

Eyes - CATWA UN-RIGGED EYE V1.1 - (Custom eye texture)

Hair - TRUTH HAIR Kasimire [Light Blondes]

Eyebrows - Glam Affair - Katya suggest eyebrows 01

Skin - LURE: Emily (Carnation)

Body & Feet - Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara V4.0


Nails & Rings - **RE** (Real Evil), Elektra Nails & Rings - Vista Bento


Physics - 2.- Sutile -Subtle.~ Physics by Temptation

Shape - Custom Made

Tattoo - Nomadic Owl - Black [CAROL G]

Bindi - .:ellabella:. Kerli V2 dark-nose

Bikini - {ViSion} - Lua Set - Bikini Gold [Maitreya Lara]

Top - {ViSion} - Lua Set - Top Gold [Maitreya Lara]


Pictures Taken this week at K&B House of Burlesque for female avatars, fairly new place but getting very popular, good atmosphere and friendly people! You can find it here

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