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Am I wasting my time at the Gym??!?

As some of you that have been following my blog for some time know I’m a bit of a gym-a-holic, in fact, I’ve just got back from my Zumba class which has prompted this post. I’m happy with my shape, I’m in tune with my body and I’m pleased with my general health however…… You know that last couple of pounds you just can’t seem to shift!!?!

With work and general life pressures it’s hard enough finding the time to get to the gym, right? It’s even harder to stay motivated when your workouts don’t seem to be helping you get to your goal!

So, about a month ago I decided to have a couple of sessions with a friend of mine who just happens to be a personal trainer. She gave me a couple of tips that seem to be working so I thought I’d share her pearls of wisdom.

Turns out I’m a bit of a cardio bunny, I walk into the gym with towel and water bottle in hand and jump right on the treadmill, put on my head phones and then run pointlessly until I’m the colour of a freshly pealed beetroot feeling completely exhausted, I then dash home, shower and then stare incredulously at the digital scales willing them to drop just a few ounces!

Well, it would appear I’ve fallen into a bit of a trap, I’ve fallen victim to pre-set calorie counters and the idea that if a workout is miserable, then it must be effective!

Yes, cardio burns lots of calories. Yes, running for hours and hours can help you lose weight. However, my friend suggested I try alternative kinds of workouts to mix with my cardio. Why? Because burning calories and sweating aren’t the only factors that determine your weight and overall figure, (Who knew!). There is a clear difference between someone who is skinny and someone who is fit and healthy, just look at Jessie Bloemendaal or Julia Ratner! It’s important to do muscle and strength building exercises in order to shape and tone your physique.

Another problem with cardio is that your body adapts very quickly. It’s only a matter of weeks before a once challenging run can be completed without breaking a sweat. So, instead of spending an hour on the elliptical, I now split my workouts between cardio and weight lifting. I promise, your toned arms and tight bum will thank you!

My friend highlighted the fact that many women significantly underestimate just how much they can lift and stick to “safe” weights. I have done weights historically and I know what I’m comfortable with however, my friend encouraged me to try the heaviest weights I could lift without falling over, so rather than the five kilo dumbbells I’d usually work out with I picked up a couple of 10kg dumbbells, much to the delight of the “Mr Olympia” sniggering behind me, therein was my motivation! So, my friend had me doing some squats, calf raises and some lunges – nothing too taxing! My triceps and biceps however, felt as though they were going to pop out of my skin but there was no way Mr Olympia was going to see me fail!

After the session I felt strangely elated, I felt I’d achieved something and for once, I wasn’t bored! So, I’ve kept this up over the last three or four weeks and the results are incredible, not only have I got rid of those last few pounds but, I’m enjoying going to the gym again, it’s no longer a mind-numbing chore. I’m still using the elliptical but I’ve replaced most of my cardio with classes, Zumba I LOVE but I’m now doing some Body Attack which was recommended to help slacken off my deltoids and biceps and I LOVE that as well, if only my brain would be clearer with my limbs so I wasn’t the object of quite so much hilarity as I fall over or go in the wrong direction!

I even caught myself looking in the mirror the other day admiring my rather tones and slightly bigger biceps, I’ll never be Nicola Adams but I might just be as smiley as her in the gym now!

What’s on this week?

Head & Teeth - .LeLutka. Head.Simone 2.7

Eyes - CATWA UN-RIGGED EYE V1.1 - (Custom eye texture)

Hair - [monso] My Hair - Jane (m) - Found at the May/June Collabor88

Eyebrows - Glam Affair - Katya suggest eyebrows 01

Skin - LURE: Emily (Carnation)

Body & Feet - Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara V4.0


Nails & Rings - **RE** (Real Evil), Elektra Nails & Rings - Vista Bento - at the April FaMESHed


Physics - 2.- Sutile -Subtle.~ Physics by Temptation

Shape - Custom Made

Tattoo - Nomadic Owl - Black [CAROL G]

Bindi - .:ellabella:. Kerli V2 dark-nose

Shoes - CandyDoll Raquel Pattern XVIII Heels - Maitreya - Found at the May/June Collabor88

Knickers - Foxes - Starry Lingerie - Panties - White - Found at the May/June Collabor88

Dress - Le Fashion Whore - Maddie Summer Dress - Maitreya - Get the fatpack, the textures are gorgeous!

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