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Crazy Cats Lady

As Albert Schweitzer once said, “there are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats.” – couldn’t agree on both counts more!

I’m an unashamedly mad, bonkers cat woman. I’m the one that watches all the YouTube videos, the one that stops to stroke any passing feline, the one that talks to them like they’re babies……… I just love them and it’s a little unexpected.

When I was growing up we had dogs, big boisterous dogs, German Shepherds mainly but also a couple of Chocolate Labradors and they were great. I’d take then for long walks over the fields, they’d come swimming with me in the little river near where I lived, they were totally gorgeous, spoiled big pooches. I had no interest in cats at all until a friend of mine was emigrating to Canada and couldn’t take hers with her. She asked me if I wanted them, they were three years old at the time and I really had no interest, id seen them when they were kittens but they were, well……… just kittens. Shortly before she was going away we had a last “ladies that do lunch” and then went back to hers, we were greeted in the lounge by the most enormous cats I’d ever seen, real OMFG sized cats. She went onto tell me they were Maine Coons, a kind of North American Snow Cat, but unfortunately because they were moving into an apartment she couldn’t keep them. After a few hours, I was in love, totally smitten and I knew exactly where they were going to find a new home and if anyone had got in before me I was prepared to wrestle them!!

So, in they came and they settled into my eclectic lifestyle immediately they were fab, big fluffy, playful balls of energy and fun. They were supposed to be house cats but watching them looking longingly out into the garden put a stop to that, I had to let them out, let them explore, let them be…. Well…... cats! Despite the warnings that they would be stolen I wasn’t prepared to leave them indoors anymore.

They continued to be a huge part of my life for the next sixteen years when I had to say goodbye to the second one, the other leaving me some two years previous. My home is fairly lively but when they’d gone the house just seemed empty. So it wasn’t long before I went in search of some new members of my family and a few days ago I found the most adorable Maine Coon kittens, red tabby’s……. I’d show you some pictures but I can’t get them until the week between Christmas and New Year so I’ll have to bore you again once they’ve arrived at their new home

Today I'm wearing;

Body, Eyes, Skin, etc. - See my Charlie Chaplin Naked post

Hair - MINA Hair - Farah (materials)

Makeup - Zibska Selie & Inga, both at Uber Nov/Dec - (Get the Fatpack, it's great value!!) - Oh, and best makeup in Second Life by far!!

Face Plugs – .:ellabella:. Kerli V2 lite-chin

Earrings - [MANDALA] HARAMITA-season2-

Rings - [MANDALA] SINRA Rings Season2

Boots - *JB* Anna Boots with Socks - Maitreya Lara at Uber Nov/Dec

Dress - *JB* Emily Dress - Red - Lara at Uber Nov/Dec

Scarf - *JB* Emily Scarf - Lara at Uber Nov/Dec

Pictures taken @ A Winter Trace (Again!)

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