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A New leader of the free world………. What can I say, no seriously, what can I say?

As I’d mentioned Mr Trump in one of my earlier posts it seems wrong not to comment on the tumultuous events that took place earlier this week.

My original comment was around president elect Trumps misogynistic nature; it was a little tongue in cheek on the basis he couldn’t possibly be elected anyway - *WRONG*

So this week I’ve joined in with the majority of the world in spouting righteous indignation on his stance on Women, on Muslims, on Mexicans…… The list seems never ending, but in fairness who am I to spout righteous indignation, after all, whilst I wasn’t born here, I live in the country that opted for Brexit and as an immigrant, whilst I didn’t vote leave the EU I have to live in a country where the majority did vote to leave – we have to get along, we have to make the best of what sounds to many as a very stupid decision – my bed, I have to live in it.

I don’t live in the US, and whilst the President of the US is often referred to as the leader of the free world, I have no right to tell any American that voted for Trump that they were wrong, they voted for him in there millions because he touched a nerve that made them sit up and listen to his words, his ideologies, his anger. So, in their minds something Trump said spoke to them and the voice said, “if you’re as angry as Donald, go and do something about it”, and they did, in their millions! So, as someone that truly values democracy I have no right to spout righteous indignation but there was something that did give me cause to shake my head.

A friend of mine living in Florida reposted a quote from a lady who was getting sick of people telling her they were ashamed to be American, that they were going to move to Canada, and so on and in response she wrote this;

Tell your kids the same thing I told my daughter this morning.

Tell them that we have a new President.

Tell them that’s the way democracy works.

Sometimes you agree with the choice.

Sometimes you don’t.

All good but then she wrote this;

Tell them that we’re going to give our new President the same respect that we would give any other President.

My question is why? If a guy called you white trash, told you that he enjoyed grabbing your pussy, said that you were fat pigs, dogs, slobs, and disgusting animals, would you suddenly respect him because he got a new job? I respect the fact the American people used their democratic right to voice their concerns and fears, I respect the fact people are talking about reconciliation and tolerance but I cannot respect a person that denigrates women to the extent he has with no real evidence of remorse, holding up a sign saying “Women for Trump” is not an apology, it’s a cynical ploy for votes, nothing more, sometimes words speak louder than actions.

Back to the fashion bit;

Body, Eyes, Skin, etc. - See my Charlie Chaplin Naked post

Hair - MINA Hair - Farah (materials)

Rings – [MANDALA] SINRA Rings Season 2

Face Plugs – .:ellabella:. Kerli V2 lite-chin

Neckplace - =Zenith=Belt Necklace (6Colors)

Earrings - MG - Earrings - Isis Solar Magic - GOLD

Boots - Pure Poison - Raysa Boots - Maitreya 1 - Uber Oct/Nov

Top - //Ascend// Gitana Fringed Top / Brown - LARA - Mesh Body Addicts Nov

Skirt - erratic / neve - leather skirt / beige (maitreya)

Knickers - :::Insanya::: Thong Pack - M.LARA

Boots - Pure Poison - Raysa Boots - Maitreya

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