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Country Music Convert

So I’m off to Austin Texas in January, really looking forward to it, visiting some great friends I’ve not seen for several years so lots of catching up to do plus, it will be nice to get a little sunshine at that time of the year. So my friends have lived there for several years and are completely acclimatised. There is nothing more they love to do than while away the evening hours at a selection of country and western joints and therein lies a bit of a problem. I think I’ve mentioned I have a very eclectic taste when it comes to music, I like all kinds of things but I’ve never really gelled with C&W even after seeing Dolly Parton at Glastonbury a few years ago so, my underwhelming “oh that sounds great…….” when my friend told me about this forthcoming musical delight must have been a tad obvious. I was telling another friend about this predicament and she said...... “Did you see the Graham Norton Show on Friday?” I hadn’t but I have now and I may just be a convert to C&W. An artist called LeAnn Rimes featured on the show with a song called “The Story” which I really like, it’s from her new album, “Remnants”, I know this because after hearing the song I spotified the album and downloaded it to my phone. What a great album, varied and lyrical and performed beautifully both vocally and instrumentally, love it! Now I know you purists out there will tell me it’s not country in the truest Grand Ole Opry style but she won a Best Female Country Vocal Performance Grammy for her song Blue in 1997 so that’s good enough for me! I read a little about her and she’s not had an easy life, from having to sue her father and manager, through dealing with Psoriasis it’s clearly been tough. Famously she performed "The Rose," joined by The Gay Men's Chorus of Los Angeles as one in the eye to the intolerant bigots that were raising their ugly heads at the time – much respect is due! Having had my C&W appetite whetted I decided to see what else was out there and you know……. My perception of C&W has been wrong, loving the vocal talents of people like Faith Hill, Lee Ann Womack, the Dixie Chicks, Rascal Flatts and Lady Antebellum. Yep I’m well on my way to conversion y’all!!

So, here’s the song that has put me on the road to C&W enlightenment I hope you like it;

Back to the fashion bit;

Body, Eyes, Skin, etc. - See my Charlie Chaplin Naked post

Rings – [MANDALA] SINRA Rings Season 2

Face Plugs – .:ellabella:. Kerli V2 lite-chin

Boots - Pure Poison - Raysa Boots - Maitreya 1 - Uber Oct/Nov

Dress - CandyDoll Samantha Dress Maitreya Wildflower - Uber Oct/Nov

Hair - MINA Hair - Jett / Brett M (materials)

Necklace - =Zenith= Belt Necklace (6Colors)

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