I'm a Monthly-a-holic but.........
Like Most of you I guess I look forward to the various rounds of C88, K9, FaMESHed, etc. so when I thought about starting this blog I thought; "That's where I'll start!" but then it dawned on me that the seventeenth SL Fashion blog I'd seen today featured outfits from C88, K9, FaMESHed, etc. Sooooo, I thought that's a lil lazy - no disrespect to all the other blogs out there which I love, I just felt to start off that way was..... well, a lil lazy. So I then I thought why not go and look at some of my fav places and see what's new from the ....errrr.... horses mouth.
So why these particular designers, Well, Exile hair is about my favorite simply because the designs are excellent and the colours are infinitely re-definable! Just Because, well..... just because they create superb designs for both casual and formal, it's my default place to go as a start point at the very least! And shoes by -KC- simply because you will not find better quality at that price point, look out for their weekly deals, they're invariably in the top twenty best selling items on MP every week!
So from the top;
Body, Eyes, Skin, etc. - See my Charlie Chaplin Naked post
Hair - Exile::One Way or Another
Eye Makeup - AlaskaMetro muse eye shadow
Lips - AlaskaMetro Sheer Gloss
Earrings - .Charm. Relyn, (From a long gone Gatcha!)
Facial Studs - .:ellabella:. Kerli V2 lite-chin
Necklace - =Zenith= Belt Necklace (6Colors)
Dress - *JB* Jacqui Dress - Pink - Lara
Bolero - *JB* Jacqui Bolero - Black - Lara