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Fact - Cat owners are smarter than Dog owners!

In ancient times cats were worshipped as gods; they have not forgotten this.

Terry Pratchett

If you’ve been following this blog for some time you will know I’m a bit of a cat lover. I don’t subscribe to the; “you’re either a cat person or a dog person” thing, I love dogs, I grew up with them, my dad still loves his dogs! Fact is, living in the city and working long and often strange hours makes dog ownership a little challenging and perhaps a little unfair on the pooch!

When I was settled in my house, I knew I needed a pet of some description to make it a home and when a friend of mine got a job offer which meant moving to Canada pretty much immediately came to me to see if I’d take on her two cats, I couldn’t say no!

A few years on and I couldn’t be without Max and Lucy, my beautiful Maine Coons. I was away for a few days this week and couldn’t wait to get back for some fluffy cuddles. Interestingly, on the train on the way home I read an article on scientific based on why cats are good for your health.

Owning a cat reduces stress levels

Petting and cuddling your cat releases the hormone oxytocin, which induces feelings of love and trust, which is potentially why I feel like Max and Lucy are often my emotional support.

A well-respected medical journal published an article called “Cat ownership and the Risk of Fatal Cardiovascular Diseases.” The headlines were that owning a cat reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases, although that may sound a touch sensationalist the study demonstrates the risk may be reduced. Still, with so many of us suffering from stress and high blood pressure, the reduction in these factors can’t be discounted.

It’s thought that purring could help heal us

Purring isn’t just cute – but omg just how cute is it when they’re in your lap purring away! A cat’s purr is 20-140 Hz and another study shows that we can benefit from these vibrations. Purring has been linked to lowering stress, decreasing symptoms of dyspnoea, lessening the chances of having a heart attack, and even strengthening bones. I think we’d probably need hundreds of cats constantly purring to create any sort of true healing effect on our bodies but, would that be such a bad thing??!? I like the thought that as well as calming their kittens, a cats’ purr was made specifically to heal.

Cats help us sleep better

There’s a study that proves that cats lying in bed next to you helps you sleep better, especially if you’re a woman, (I wonder if they excluded the 4am wake-up for a quick cuddle element of a good night’s sleep!). Apparently, 41% of those who sleep with a pet in our beds have better quality sleep. The sense of companionship and security of having a cat sleep next to us helps relax us and improve sleep quality. Who knew?!!

Early exposure to cats helps reduce allergies

If you’re a kid, that is! Another study suggests that if you’re around cats when you’re younger, you’re less likely to experience symptoms of allergies as an adult. The study demonstrated that children raised in a house with two or more dogs or cats during the first year of life may be less likely to develop allergic diseases as compared with children raised without pets.

Cats provide companionship

This one is a bit of a given – who owns a cat or a dog and doesn’t say she’s their best mate? There are a number of studies that show just how much owning a cat can contribute to your quality of life, offer social support, and provide emotional support, especially for those with a smaller social network and higher prevalence of negative life events. Of course, it’s still important to work on human interaction, but it’s still a positive that your cat can offer some of these benefits too.

Cat owners are smarter

A further study suggested that people with cats are more likely to have university degrees than those with dogs, apparently. The only thing we can take from this is that owning cats literally makes us smarter, right? Errrrrrr……… possibly not. It’s thought that those with more demanding jobs with longer hours choose to have cats due to them being easier to care for than dogs, although there could be a number of other reasons however, I’m going to simply stick with cat owners are generally smarter than dog owners! (Sorry Viv!!).

What’s on this week?

Head, Eyes & TeethCatwa Head, Rigged Eyes and teeth - Catya v3.2

Hair Moon Hair // Sex Type Thing

SkinAmara Beauty – Antonia 04 Catwa Applier

Body, Hands & FeetMaitreya Mesh Body - Lara V4.0

Physics Temptation – 5.5 BONUS C+ D+ SuperTease - Physics

Shape[Elle et Lui Style] Tyler Shape - Catwa Bento Head Catya - Maitreya

CoatNeve coat - snow neutral - Lara, Check out there Black Friday Sale!

Boot/TrousersNeve pant - bootlegger Lara Check out there Black Friday Sale!

Bracelets **RE** Real Evil Industries - Pethra Bracelet, Maitreya

Pictures taken at Snow Falls -

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